The Littlest Reed

My husband and I have one son whose 6yrs old, AJ. AJ was diagnosed at 2yrs old with autism. We were both nervous about having another baby so we just didn't. Well on December 2, 2008 our minds were changed when we saw those two little blue lines. This blog will chronical the pregnancy of the newest Reed.

Friday, December 26, 2008


OH MY GOODNESS!! With AJ I never got sick and rarely had bouts of nausea. This little bundle is giving me a run for my I feel great in the morning, good in the afternoon, queazy in the evening and bad at night. I've gotten sick the past two nights but I felt fantastic right afterward. I hope it's just my body telling me what I should and shouldn't eat. Both nights I ate foods that were heavy. Tonight I opted for a bowl of cereal so we'll see how that goes.

Exhaustion is my middle name. I can't believe how ridiculously tired I am. I feel horrible for my little AJ because mommy is really no fun lately. He's often left to entertain himself or play alone. Hopefully I'll get my energy back in a few weeks.


Today we told my family about my pregnancy. I think they were more excited this time than they were with My mom loved the way we decided to tell them. We got AJ a shirt that says I'm the big brother (I'll post a picture later). My husband had to work on Christmas (one of the downfalls of being a cop) but when he came to my parents house for dinner we changed AJ into his shirt and waited for everyone to see it and figure it out. My mom was the first to see it, but my sister was the first to figure it out. They were so excited my mom actually split my husbands lip while hugging him

We told my inlaws on Christmas Eve. We sent them a picture of AJ wearing his shirt. We are extremely happy and blessed to have the support and love of our families during this very special time. The sad thing is, that I can't wait to meet my new bundle, but in wishing that my first baby will be 7 only a few days later. I can't believe AJ is going to be 7yrs old. Where does the time go?

Monday, December 15, 2008


Well as if the 6 tests I took didn't confirm it for me, the doctor gave me the thumbs up on the pregnancy. By going from my last cycle I am about 5wks along. I got my prescription for the prenatal vitamins and a quick check up today. I go back to the doctor on 1/5/09 for a check up and possibly a quick ultrasound. I was hoping I could get that today but it's too early.

This will be mine and hubby's last biological child. He's decided to get "snipped" shortly after I give birth. I'm just happy he changed his mind at all. I really didn't want AJ to be alone and an only child.

I honestly am thrilled beyond words. I'm still feeling really good and REALLY tired. My appetite hasn't picked up too much, but I am noticing that when I am hungry, I'm ravenous. If I wait too long to eat I start to feel nauseous, and that's not good. However, I am determined to NOT gain 60lbs with this pregnancy so we'll see how that goes.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Feeling Good.

I've felt really good this week. I have my first doctors appointment on the 15th to confirm that the oven is ocupied. I was a bit nervous this week because my lack of symptoms was a bit unnerving, but I guess I can just chock it up to being blessed. The only symptoms I have is I'm exhausted beyond belief and my boobs are starting to hurt more.

Hopefully the doctor can give me a better idea of how far along I am since I'm a bit confused. My body was telling me I was pregnant as early as 12/1, but according to the silly online charts I didn't even ovulate yet. Oh well, I guess they'll measure me via an ultrasound to solve the mystery.

I'll check in after my doctors appointment.


Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm feeling good

Well the idea of another baby has settled in and I'm pretty excited. My first doctors appointment is on 12/15 and that's just to confirm the pregnancy.

I'm feeling pretty good other than I'm extremely exhausted. So far there's no nausea or sickness, but keep your fingers crossed that it stays that way. My appetite hasn't picked up too much. I have noticed that I need to eat breakfast now which is unusual for me. Also, my boobs hurt. During the day it's not as bad, but at night I notice it more.

I've started taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins. There will be a few things we do differently with this pregnancy/baby than we did with AJ. For starters I won't be eating any seafood while pregnant or nursing. We will not vaccinate the baby until after three years. That way the baby's development should be stable enough to handle the chemicals the doctors want to introduce into their tiny system. There are more but I'm really tired and can't think too straight. I do believe a nap is in order.

I'll update again soon.

ps - I took 2 more hpt's and they came back positive

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2, 2008