The Littlest Reed

My husband and I have one son whose 6yrs old, AJ. AJ was diagnosed at 2yrs old with autism. We were both nervous about having another baby so we just didn't. Well on December 2, 2008 our minds were changed when we saw those two little blue lines. This blog will chronical the pregnancy of the newest Reed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

7 months 2 days

I am officially in my last trimester!!! WOO HOO!! I still feel pretty good for the most part but I've noticed that I need to rest more between and during activities. My ankle was hurting for about 3 or 4 days last week but it feels much better now. I still have some pelvic pain but I think that's because baby boy is sitting low (like his big brother did) and it's just a lot of pressure down there.

On June 14th I'm going to be having a photo session with my photographer friend Aurora of Aurora Photography in Connecticut. She is actually building a workshop around me, so that should be really fun. Here is the picture I sent her to use for her advertising.

cravings - nothing specific, but I am going to have a hotdog and fries for lunch. Later I may have a milkshake....mmmmmm


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